Monday, April 27, 2020

Knowledge and Action

People usually ask me, why are you so successful in IMG, while other teams , and even your own members are not as successful?

They are also doing what you are doing, and in fact they are very knowledgeable too. Some of them even work much harder but they don't achieve what you achieve? 

Some are even smarter than you. They are PhD and Top notch on their field, very good salesmen, and Trainers? But they can't beat you?

I believe the answer to this is what we always hear from Doc Joen Delas Penas: Law of Numbers: Number of Activities and Events, KNOWLEDGE and ACTION, and Building Business with LOVE!

I come across this eMail from Robert Kiyosaki about working Hard and working Smart. I want you to read it and at the end of it, I will connect it with what we hear from our President and make it clear WHY I ALWAYS SAY KNOWLEDGE and ACTION must come together


"“Don’t work harder. Work smarter.”

I’ve heard that said thousands of times. I’ve probably said it myself hundreds of times.

But… I need to SHUT UP!

It is not one or the other… it’s both.

If you are not willing to work hard to improve your situation, then stay there. No one can or will help you if you won’t even help yourself.

If you are willing to work but not get educated, then… enjoy futility.


A better quote is “everything you love and desire is on the other side of hard.”

That includes learning. The mind is the hardest muscle to exercise.

If you want to invest, then you better do your due diligence first. That is hard work and requires mental and emotional strength.

If you want a business, that takes hard work too and a lot of thought.

So don’t work smarter. Don’t work harder. Do both together.

It’s synergy. Being smarter may take you 5 yards. Working harder may take you 5 yards. Doing both together will give you 100 yards!

Synergy is what happens when one plus one equals ten or a hundred or even a thousand!

Success happens when you synergize the cooperation of your efforts with your mind,"

Robert Kiyosaki

Let me now connect this with what we learn from sir Joen...

We in IMG are all trained and educated. We are all equipped with knowledge from the basic concepts to the Wealth Creation System, and Tools to grow our IMG Business. We are bombarded and equipped with KNOW-HOW. However, if we don't use the KNOW-HOW, it is also useless. Or when we use it but not maximize it, it also brings minimal results. We need to APPLY what we KNOW, and APPLY IT MANY TIMES!

This is precisely what sir Joen mean by LAW of NUMBERS. We need to have more ACTIVITIES to have more RESULTS. We need to USE the KNOWLEDGE as FREQUENT as we can to have RESULTS. You see this is also THE LAW OF PROBABILITY. The more you DO or ACT or PUT INTO ACTION the KNOW-HOW you have, the more RESULTS you can have.

Yes, you may have RESULTS with many ACTIVITIES. The PROBABILITY of having even more RESULTS is expected when the ACTIVITIES we do are based on CORRECT KNOW-HOW comes in. This is what RK mean by SYNERGY of Working SMART and HARD.

And that is practically what we practice. Working Hard and Working Smart. Learning and Doing. Knowledge and Action. SO if you want better results than yesterday, Learn More and Do More. Attend Meetings and Training. Read Books. Learn from other experts. Then apply what you know. And apply it as frequent as you can

Everyday, we attend the Leaders Call to LEARN, meet up with our teams, check and monitor results, create events, create Posters, Posts on FB, write BLOGs, And we do it from morning to almost midnight. YES, you read it right. Even at our LEVELS today, we continue to WORK HARD and SMART. No SLOWING DOWN. Full of energy and Desire to HELP. Applying KNOWLEDGE to ACTIONS. DO the SAME or better yet, DO MORE than we do, you can be even more successful!

1. Do I attend the LEADERS CALL everyday? Yes or No
2. Do I attend the Team Meeting? Yes or No
3. Do I attend the Partners Training? Yes or No
4. Do I Post more than 10x a Day? Yes or No
5. Do I create Event 10x per Day? Yes or No
6. Do I Approach 10 people per Day? Yes or No
7. Do I Create Poster 10x Per Day? Yes or No
8. Do I connect with my Leaders and Members? Yes or No
9. Do I follow up at least 20 Prospects daily? Yes or No
10.Do I monitor my RESULTS daily? Yes or No
If you can do more than the above, then you are on your way to SUCCESS!

The Ultimate fuel and MOTIVATION of what we do is LOVE! And it is what makes us wake up every morning, spring up from bed to LEARN and DO, to gain KNOW-HOW and ACT, to Learn and PUT TO ACTION what we LEARNED... All for LOVE. 

You can do it TOO! I have seen many who are following our footsteps in the team. Young Millennial, and not so young. And I am excited for them! I want you to do the same! I want you to be SUCCESSFUL too and all it takes is WORKING HARD and WORKING SMART. Applying KNOWLEDGE RELENTLESSLY... all for LOVE.

GOD bless our MISSION!

Benj Fely Santiago
Senior Executive Vice Chairman IMG
Chairman's Council IMG
Truly Rich Makers Founder
Debt Destroyers Author
5 Time MVP #1 IMG


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