Tuesday, June 9, 2020


I am excited for EVERYONE. Yes I am. I am not hallucinating or getting crazy!!! I know the ill effects and challenges that the COVID problem has brought to all of us.

But I do believe that There is something good that this PANDEMIC has brought to us. One glaring positive thing is that, we become aware of the IMPORTANCE of handling our PERSONAL FINANCE!

It has made all aware of the importance of being healthy and being sufficiently protected with Life and Health Insurance. People know now the importance of BUILDING a SOLID FINANCIAL Foundation.

A WAKE UP CALL. Because if not for this COVID issue, we may have our financial situation continue to spiral down the drain.

And because we are LOCK-DOWN at the MOMENT, we also is blessed with a LOT of TIME to get EDUCATED how to MANAGE your MONEY, How to GROW it, and How to PRODUCE it!

Check here to see the many benefits of becoming an IMG Member. You may even win an iPad Mini:


PM me at 0920 902 1217 or email at Richbenj.Santiago@gmail.com for PASSWORD to attend our FREE Coaching: https://bit.ly/TRMFinancialEducation

WATCH  also our OWN story here as Featured in IJuander TV: https://youtu.be/OwKxwLCIu2c

SO I encourage you all to JOIN Me in my SPECIAL ZOOM ON LINE Financial Coaching... Download the App NOW then
REGISTER HERE NOW! Limited SLOTS only. http://8874hf.trulyrichmakers.com/investingcorrectly/

Or if you are a Millennial, you may want to attend this: http://8874hf.trulyrichmakers.com/millennials/

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"Mayroong Pag Asa!"

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